Upcoming Exhibitions

Greetings, esteemed art enthusiasts and photography aficionados! I’m excited to announce my line-up of upcoming exhibitions.

Join us for a Captivating Visual Journey that is the Mags Art Show!

Date: July 28th - July 30th, 2023

Mount Albert Grammar School

I’m thrilled to announce the highly anticipated Mags Art Exhibition which is on this weekend, kicking off with the gala evening on Friday night - Tickets on Sale Here!

The show is now in its 10th year and growing in popularity amongst art enthusiasts.

The MAGS Art Show has developed a reputation as a well-curated art event showcasing some of the country’s finest painting, photography and sculpture.

I’ll be showing 5 works this year including Harakeke Leaf which was awarded in last year’s International Photography Awards - IPA


Date: August 15th - August 30th, 2023

Little Rosie - 76 Gladstone Road, Parnell

Is part of a plants processes to produce the air that we breathe.

This is an ongoing series of works that began in 2017. The imagery is not meant to be perfect and includes grain and imperfections, which add character and authenticity to the images. The negative space, and strong framing draw the viewer in. The subject in its most simple and humble form appear to thrive. The imagery is carefully constructed using window light, as if the images were sitting on a dining room table.

This series has been captured in camera and developed further in post production before committing the images to C-type photographic art paper, through this process he is able to create dramatic photographs of his subjects.

Baradene Art Show

Date: August 18th - August 20th, 2023

Baradene College

We cordially invite you to join us at Baradene Art Show. Whether you are an avid art collector, an admirer of fine photography, or simply someone seeking visual inspiration, this showcase promise to amaze and transport you on a sensory journey.
Stay tuned for further updates and mark your calendars for this remarkable exhibition.